Applications of Quantum Computing in Life Sciences

6 May 2024
Museum M, Leuven

Europe is building a quantum ecosystem to leverage the potential of quantum technologies. It is expected that this technology will allow us to do things that are simply not possible today. The European Commission now has concrete plans to build state-of-the-art pilot quantum computers, based on a whole generation of emerging technologies. Similar to high performance computing, this will be the first step in the deployment of quantum computing infrastructure across Europe, on a non-commercial basis.

On 6 May 2024, the VSC, Flemish Supercomputer Center, and VIB, a leading non-profit life sciences research institute, host the innovative event "Applications of Quantum Computing in Life Sciences"Immerse yourself in a dynamic program featuring captivating introductions to the field, real-world use cases, and engaging panel discussions. Don't miss this opportunity to gain invaluable insights into the current applications and potential of quantum computing in life sciences. 


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