The morning session of the event covered a data management workshop specifically for researchers. Experts in data handling introduced the concept of FAIR data, illustrated data management on the basis of use cases and held a vibrant debate on data sharing.
After lunch, the director of ELIXIR (Niklas Blomberg) provided a broad overview of ELIXIR’s activities and the deputy Head of Node of ELIXIR Belgium (Frederik Coppens) demonstrated the role of the Belgian ELIXIR node. We also linked to the emerging European Open Science Cloud, a European initiative on data across all scientific disciplines. To further exemplify the potential of the ELIXIR infrastructure, an ELIXIR case study in translational biomedical research was presented. An industry perspective on big data was provided and, last but not least, two of the node services offered by ELIXIR Belgium, PLAZA and NGS Logistics, were presented.
The event attracted 129 participants from all over the country. All Belgian universities (KU Leuven, UAntwerpen, UCL, UGent, UHasselt, ULB, ULiége, UNamur, VUB) and a number of university hospitals (UZ Brussels, UZ Leuven) were represented. Many members of research centres (de Duve Institute, Ilvo, ITM, VIB, VLIZ, VSC, WIV), governments (Belspo, EWI, FWO, SPW) and innovation platforms (FlandersFood) attended the event. There was also a good representation from industry (Academiclabs, Atos, Bayer, Bluebee, Diagenode, DSM, Janssen, Multiplicom, Ontoforce, UCB Pharma). All pictures
The following are just a few of the reactions we received on the event, the speakers and ELIXIR:
08:30 Registration
09:30 Welcome and Introduction, Yves Van de Peer (Head of Node ELIXIR-BE, VIB, UGent, BE)
09:45 Data Management Workshop, Chair Lennart Martens (VIB, UGent, BE)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Building ELIXIR Belgium in a European context, Chair Yves Van de Peer (VIB, UGent, BE)
17.35 Closing of the event, Yves Van de Peer (VIB, UGent, BE)
17.45 Reception
Twitter Hashtag: #ELIXIRbe17
Organizing committee: Yves Van de Peer (VIB-PSB), Frederik Coppens (VIB-PSB), Kim De Ruyck (VIB-PSB), Lennart Martens (VIB-CMB and UGent), Paola Masuzzo (VIB-CMB and UGent)