Public Proteomics Data Reprocessing and the Tabloid Proteome
One-day ELIXIR course on public proteomics data reprocessing and the Tabloid Proteome. Tabloid Proteome is a database of protein association network generated using publically available mass spectrometry based experiments in PRIDE. These associations represent a broad scala of biological associations between pairs of proteins that goes well beyond mere binary protein interactions.
- Outlining public proteomics data like ProteomeXchange repositories
- Outlining the available resources and tools to reanalyse and/or reuse proteomics data from PRIDE and MassIVE
- Re-analysing and reusing PRIDE data using freely available tools
- Exemplify the online Tabloid Proteome as a use case of public proteomics data re-use
- Examine the online Tabloid Proteome to investigate protein associations
This workshop is organised by ELIXIR Belgium together with the Computational Omics and Systems Biology Group (CompOmics) of the Department of Biochemistry (Ghent University) and the VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology; the trainers for the workshop are Surya Gupta and Demet Turan.
More information and registration on this LINK.
Photo's (via ELIXIR Belgium's Flickr page)